Drafted Useful Links

  1. LeetCode Best Solution in Python/C++
  2. A Python Interpreter-Written in python(Chinese Version)
  3. Fluent Python
    • inside python/c++ model,
  4. Online Python Tutor
    • visualize what the computer is doing step-by-step
    • Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, C, and C++
  5. Introduction to Tornado ChineseVersion
  6. Python编程实战-PatternDesign.pdf
  7. PythonTip-DesignPattern
  8. Awesome go
  9. go-dave.cheney
  10. FullStackDeveloper-教你成为全栈工程师
  11. Deep Learning Application-Washington University in St.Louis

Docker K8S Go

  1. lan lewis - web developer in Google JP
  2. 从Docker源码中学习Go


  1. The Architecture of Open Source Applications
  2. Awesome Courses abroad
  3. Maglev–A Fast and Reliable Software Network Load Balancer
  4. Preshing on Programming Blog
  5. distributed-systems-readings
  6. MIT-Distributed-System
  7. StackOverflow-Architecture-Serials
  8. Go-libpcap Packet Capture
  9. A Distribted System Reading list
  10. 并发之痛
  11. go by example
  12. paxos-wechat
  13. Write good C++
  14. Large-scale system Stanford
  15. bash, sed, awk
  16. sectools.org
  17. perf教程


  18. Prepare Well for your FrontEnd Interview

  19. React Websites with Source Code

  20. Web性能权威指南.pdf

  21. WeChat-Development

  22. wechat Awesome Tutorials