Useful Link Draft
Drafted Useful Links
- LeetCode Best Solution in Python/C++
- A Python Interpreter-Written in python(Chinese Version)
- Fluent Python
- inside python/c++ model,
- Online Python Tutor
- visualize what the computer is doing step-by-step
- Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, C, and C++
- Introduction to Tornado ChineseVersion
- Python编程实战-PatternDesign.pdf
- PythonTip-DesignPattern
- Awesome go
- go-dave.cheney
- FullStackDeveloper-教你成为全栈工程师
- Deep Learning Application-Washington University in St.Louis
Docker K8S Go
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications
- Awesome Courses abroad
- Maglev–A Fast and Reliable Software Network Load Balancer
- Preshing on Programming Blog
- distributed-systems-readings
- MIT-Distributed-System
- StackOverflow-Architecture-Serials
- Go-libpcap Packet Capture
- A Distribted System Reading list
- 并发之痛
- go by example
- paxos-wechat
- Write good C++
- Large-scale system Stanford
- bash, sed, awk
Prepare Well for your FrontEnd Interview
- Guangyi Zhou
- 超详细的面试准备,充足的学习资料链接,常见问题的常见答案Secrets-of-the-JavaScript-Ninja.pdf
- Secrets-of-the-JavaScript-Ninja.pdf
- JavaScript: the good parts.pdf; JavaScript语言精粹修订版
- what-is-the-difference-between-client-side-and-server-side-programming
- what-happens-when-you-type-in-a-url-in-browser